The Midlands Biosecurity Group
A grass roots approach to pest management across the region
The Midlands Biosecurity Group (MBG) assists land owners and managers to adopt sound biosecurity practices and provides members with a forum to exchange information, advice and assistance. By ensuring clear communication between all relevant stakeholders, the MBG aims to raise awareness and ensure a multi-faceted approach to pest control. This includes Landholders, Local Government Authorities, State and Federal agencies, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions and relevant industry bodies.
The area supported by the MBG is seven local government areas and includes Dandaragan, Moora, Mingenew, Carnamah, Coorow, Three Springs and Irwin. This area covers 24,523 km2 of which over 4003km2 is managed by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.
The Midlands Biosecurity Group's activities and outcomes are outlined in more detail annually in our Operational Plan and Annual Report. For a general overview, check out our Pest Programs.
Each year, the Midlands Biosecurity Group is required to submit an operational plan to the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development that details the activities for the coming year. These operational plans are reviewed annually and are adopted at the group's Annual General Meeting held in October each year.

Our Team
The MBG is governed by a volunteer committee, all local farmers within the community and is funded through a Declared Pest Rate that is paid by all landholders >100ha within the MBG region.
The MBG also contracts three Licensed Pest Management Technicians (LPMTs) working across land tenures, coordinating neighbours’ efforts to ensure that all control methods are strategic and impactful.

Board of Management
Pictured (L-R): Chris O'Callaghan (Executive Officer), Charles Wass (Chair), Christine Brown, Chris Patmore, Maria Griffiths (Vice Chair), Peter Summers, Carl Forward.
Not pictured: Geoff Hortin, Quinton Bricknell