Priority Pests and Programs
Feral pigs have a reproductive potential more similar to rabbits than any other pest. Sows can breed from six months of age and can have up to two litters per year with an average litter size of six piglets. Feral pigs rely on water when moving throughout the landscape to keep cool and provide quality food.
Best practice feral pig control is centred around coordinated free-feeding and introduction of poison grain. Shooting is considered effective for small numbers of pigs and used as a ‘mopping-up’ exercise after a baiting program. Shooting alone has shown to have little impact on long term numbers of feral pigs and can scatter surviving pigs further through the landscape.

Funding, Declared Pest Rates and
Recognised Biosecurity Groups
The MBG Board of Management continues to explore all options for funding the group’s operational plan into the future. Currently, implements a Declared Pest Rate (DPR) and successfully applies for multiple agriculture grants annually. All funding sources can be found in the group's Annual Reports and Operation Plans. The DPR is locally raised funding, the state government then matches that on a 1:1 basis. All funds raised through this process must then be spent within the MBG area.
The DPR must be spent on activities detailed in the MBG annual operational plan, which identifies priority pests and management strategies. Landholders are given the chance to provide input into these plans and can have a say on how the DPR will be spent.
Activities include information, skills development and guidance to help landholders become involved in pest management, coordinated across fence lines, and continue to access contracted Licensed Pest Management Technicians.
Recognised by the Minister for Agriculture and supported by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), a Recognised Biosecurity Groups (RBG) provides the opportunity for shared responsibility and community led and co-ordinated control of declared pests. Under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act), all landholders are responsible for managing declared pests on their own land.
RBGs require a long-term strategic approach to making coordinated pest management an accepted part of good property management. The DPR provides the certainty of funding needed for this to occur.
The Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 allows a declared pest rate to be raised to manage priority declared pests.